A Comprehensive Catalog of Macau Banknotes: Currency of Macau - A Complete Reference (Banknotes) II

I have read and reviewed the book Currency of Macau - A Complete Reference (Banknotes) edited by Mr. Deng Junxiao ( 鄧浚曉 ) and Mr. David Chio ( 趙康池 ), and now I have received the new book Currency of Macau - A Complete Reference (Banknotes) II edited by them.

The book is an exhaustive record of Macau banknotes from the time of their issuance to the present day. The information in the book also includes the signatures on each banknote, issue numbers, serial numbers, supplements, and specimens. The book is divided into two main parts, namely, currency issued by the Banco Nacional Ultramarino and the Bank of China, the two major banks that issued currency in Macau.

In the first seventeen chapters, an introduction of the currencies issued by the Banco Nacional Ultramarino divided into nine series according to age and design, including early ordinary banknotes, early banknotes, paper fractional currencies, vouchers, Templo A-Má, Camões, Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga, Bishop of Don Carneiro, and Ruínas da Antiga Catedral de São Paulo. There are also two series of banknotes issued by the agent issuing institution and agent bank for the Banco Nacional Ultramarino; another three series were banknotes issued jointly by the Banco Nacional Ultramarino and the Bank of China. This is covered in a total of fourteen chapters. The next three chapters are about banknotes issued by the agent bank.

The Bank of China section is divided into currencies issued according to the year, that is, 1995-2002, 2002-2003, 2008, and 2013. There are also three chapters about banknote series jointly issued by the Bank of China and the Banco Nacional Ultramarino; and two chapters about commemorative and conjoined banknotes.

The book Currency of Macau - A Complete Reference (Banknotes) II contains hundreds of Macau banknotes with clear photos in undistorted colors; it also provides detailed information on the denomination, design, color, size, issue date, issue copy, issue year, return date and remarks in both Chinese and English. It is extremely easy to search through. The contents and information are very detailed, making it an indispensable tool for the study of Macau banknotes.

The editorial team, with Mr. Deng Junxiao and Mr. David Chio as the editors-in-chief, diligently collected and edited this updated edition based on the first edition published many years ago, with the support and assistance of the Monetary Authority of the Macao SAR, the Macau Branch of the Bank of China, the Macau Archives, and many scholars and collectors. It fills the gap in the historical information of banknotes in Macau for more than 100 years and makes an outstanding contribution to the study of Macau currency and the presentation of Macau culture.

The Currency of Macau - A Complete Reference (Banknotes) II is published by the Macau Numismatic Society and sponsored by the Macau Foundation, with a print run of 500 copies. ISBN 978- 99981-893-0-0, 1st printing, November 2022. Contact e-mail: dcdesign772@yahoo.com.hk