The Collecting of Coins and Selected Writings by Students of Mr. Dai Baoting

The Collecting of Coins and Selected Writings by Students of Mr. Dai Baoting is edited by Dai Zhiqiang, and was published by Zhonghua Book Company in January 2022. 787x1092mm, 1/16, 300,000 characters, 223 pages, 20 printing paper. Priced at RMB 318. ISBN978-7-101-15459-7.

A book titled The Collecting of Coins and Selected Writings by Students of Mr. Dai Baoting (戴門弟子藏泉與文選), edited by Mr. Dai Zhiqiang (戴志強), has been published and released. The book consists of three parts. The first part showcases the coins collected by Dai Baoting's (戴葆庭) students, the second part publishes selected articles by Dai's students, and the third part introduces the great numismatist Dai Baoting.

Ten of Dai's students have selected more than 170 of the most precious coins in his collection according to their specialties, and the full-color photos of the actual size coins are used to show the essence and elegance of these ancient coins. The writings of Dai's students also have their characteristics and features. Based on the ancient numismatics, they apply modern technology to make innovate ways in identifying coins and use scientific and archaeological data to make research findings on ancient coins from different perspectives. They have achieved notable results and given people new inspiration. The coin collection of Dai Baoting and his influence on later scholars is introduced in five articles included in the book. It gives the reader a different perspective of Dai's research results and collecting experience on coins.

As for the coin collection part of the book, the ancient coins mentioned are extremely rare and precious, such as feng shi spade coin with a denomination of 12 zhu [封氏十二朱], song zi three-hole spade coin with a denomination of 12 zhu [宋子十二朱三孔布]; wei jin spade coin [衛釿], wei jin round coin [衛釿圜錢], da xia zhen xing cash coin [大夏真興], ci quan nei hua cash coin[茲泉內化], qian feng quan bao cash coin with character tan on its reverse [乾封泉寶背“潭”], ying sheng yuan bao cash coin with the denomination 10 cash on its reverse [應聖元寶背拾], qing li zhi shi cash coin with a moon on the top of its reverse [慶曆直十背上月], yuan feng 10 cash coin [元豐當十], sheng song tong bao 5 cash coin[聖宋通寶當五篆書], jing kang tong bao 1 cash coin with Chinese characters in official writing style [靖康通寶纖字篆書小平], ying yun yuan bao cash coin [應運元寶], ying gan tong bao cash coin [應感通寶], qian dao zhong bao cash coin [乾道重寶], lin an fu xing yong 200 cash coin [臨安府行用貳百文錢], 300 cash coin, 500 cash plate coin, huang tong tong bao 1 cash coin with Chinese character in official writing style [皇統通寶篆書小平], fan guo bao qian cash coin with Western Xia characters [番國寶錢西夏文], the cash coin used by Zhang Xianzhong (張獻忠) for rewarding others, etc. It is amazing to appreciate these coins. It is a book worth reading for all ancient coin collectors and researchers.