Welcome to the second digital World Money Fair 2022!
As in the previous year, the world's largest coin fair was again held digitally on the Internet in 2022 due to the ongoing Corona pandemic.
Past exhibitions
At the official homepage http://www.worldmoneyfair.de the fair could be visited.
The digital coin fair opened at 10:00 a.m. on the 23rd of February 2022 and ran until the 27th of February 2022. Just in time for the opening the links to the presentations were activated. In total 31 different virtual exhibitors could be visited. Among others, world-leading mints, auction houses and manufacturers of minting machines were represented here. On the respective exhibitor page, the entrepreneurs presented themselves with their company history.
Visitors were able to explore current coin issuance programs and learn about services offered. The interested collector had the opportunity to order directly on the pages the newly released coins.
There were discount vouchers for the fair and in addition two special coin issues with the officially licensed logo of the World Money Fair 2022.
The Perth Mint from Australia minted another colored fair show issue with the motif of the kookaburra native to that country. The silver coin with a fine weight of one ounce has a strict limited edition of 1,500 pieces. As in previous years, the coin was completely sold out in the online store after a short time.
The kookaburra from the perth mint
A real highlight for numismatists was the release of the 2022 World Money Fair Berlin Panda. There were two versions of the Show-Panda-Medal with the same motif, one weighing one ounce and the other weighing 8 grams, both in fine silver.
The larger Show-Panda-Medal with the weight of one ounce and a very small mintage of only 200 pieces was sold out in the Kuenker online store after only three hours. The smaller pendant, with a circulation of 300, followed the sellout just a few hours later. This extremely popular fair show issue is becoming more sought after each year and is turning into a true rarity.
△ The 2022 World Money Fair Berlin Platinum Panda Medal, 32mm, 1 oz, 50 Mintage
△ The 2022 World Money Fair Berlin silver panda medal, 40mm, 1 oz, 200 mintage
△ The 2022 World Money Fair Berlin brass with gold plating panda medal, 40mm, 300 mintage
Some collectors had missed the release, but they could still buy their piece for a slightly higher price in the German Panda-Facebook group. After this source also dried up, a veritable bidding war broke out on the secondary market. This resulted in almost breathtaking bids of up to $325, and an end to the increase in value does not yet seem to be in sight.
Of course, there was more to experience at the digital World Money Fair.
In the Media Forum 2022, the leading mints presented this year's news as a video file. The technology manufacturers showed their latest innovations at the 18th Technology Forum 2022. The collector could also sign up for a newsletter and thereby receive further detailed information from the exhibitors. The auction house Kuenker, the online marketplace eBay and the Austrian Mint additionally provided their readers with a podcast. With a little luck and the right answers, visitors of the digital World Money Fair could win very valuable prizes in a raffle. These included coin sets from Japan, various silver coins and even a 10-gram fine gold bar from the Agosi refinery.
A 10g fine gold bar from the Agosi refinery
It remains to say, despite the many efforts, the interest of numismatists in the digital fair was very limited and the exchange among collectors about the event fell almost completely silent, in contrast to the previous year. The #Digital Fair 2022 was more like an advertising event for well-known companies. Offers from regular coin dealers, such as older panda coins and thalers, as they are usually magnificently lined up on the dealers' tables, were completely missing here. Unfortunately, a digital fair can't replace the special anticipation of a great show and the special events that take place at it, the rummaging for treasures, the exploration of elaborately designed booths, and the personal interaction. Due to these facts, now comes the best to the end! The organizer has reacted and therefore announces on its homepage the International Summer Fair of the World Money Fair 2022 in Berlin. An important background should be mentioned here, the previously applicable Corona rules were almost completely abolished in Berlin on the 1st of April 2022. We are excited to see if there will be new commemorative coins for this first-time occasion.