Winter 2022 FUN Show in Orlando, FL Proves the Numismatic Market Remains Hot During Year of the Tige

▲  The Orange County Convention Center ▲ The ribbon cutting ceremony for the Winter 2022 FUN Show

It has been a while since our last article, so it is my hope that all are having a happy 2022 and a prosperous Year of the Tiger! I also hope that you and your family are staying healthy and safe as we all continue to battle the Covid-19 global pandemic. It is my pleasure to report that the 2022 Winter Florida United Numismatists ("FUN") show was a huge success as dealers and collectors were eager to have a great show was the 2021 event was cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions. The 67th Annual Winter Fun Show took place January 6-9 at the Orange County Convention Center and showed many signs that the numismatic and collectibles markets remains on fire as we go into 2022.

  ▲  The Jean Chinese editor Yuan Shuiqing (袁水清), PMG co-founder Rick Stelzer,
and J. Matthew Brotherton at 2017 Macau Numismatic Society Annual Expo


The Winter FUN Show is an annual bellwether numismatic show with over 1500 dealers and was attended by over 10,000 collectors over the four-day event. Once again, I set up for the Fun Show with Rick Stelzer and Jerica Rogers, my business partners at Estate Collectibles Group out of Sarasota, Florida, Glen Jorde (Lake Region Coin & Currency of Devil's Lake, ND), Ron Dickenson, a U.S. currency dealer from Abingdon, Virginia, and Mark Kingsley, a bullion dealer from Fargo, North Dakota. Most of the coin and currency dealers at the show for the most part were extremely pleased with the activity of sales and many veteran dealers commented that this was the best show that they had ever had! The combination of factors such as this being the first Winter FUN Show since the Covid-19 pandemic hit and a strong precious metals market made for a great show. Sales of vintage U.S. gold, silver and type coins, and large size federal paper money were particularly strong. For international coins and currency, our readers will be glad to know that vintage Chinese gold and silver coins as well as vintage Chinese currency remain in huge demand as collectors continuously asked for these items proving that this sector remains very strong.

Besides the ability to purchase and browse a wide variety of numismatic items, the Winter FUN Show offered grading service appraisals, educational seminars, auctions, collectors meetings, events for young numismatists, scout merit badge programs, and much more. There was a special guest appearance by 2022 Silver Eagle coin engraver, Michael Gaudioso at the Numismatic Guarantee Company (NGC) booth as he signed items and promoted the 35th anniversary of NGC limited-edition American Silver Eagle label. The FUN Show always has an exceptional display of numismatic exhibits and this year was no exception. Highlights included a Morgan Silver Dollar collection displaying many rarities of the most collected series produced by the United States Mint, and a collection of rarer U.S. Kennedy Half Dollar error coins. On the paper money side, there were exhibits featuring a selection of National Bank Notes of Milwaukee, a collection of Wisconsin and the Western and Atlantic Railroad Construction notes, and an extensive U.S. postal and fractional currency collection. The paper money of the Western and Atlantic Railroad won the "Best of Show" award for the FUN Show and displayed currency produced for that railroad starting in 1833 and continuing throughout the latter part of the 19th century. The Western and Atlantic Railroad was chartered and responsible for building three major railroad lines in the southern U.S. state of Georgia and many of the beautiful vignettes of the currency depicts railroad scenes from the mid-19th century.


  ▲  Michael Gaudioso ▲  U.S. Silver Eagle Coin


▲  U.S. Kennedy Half Dollar

 ▲  Western and Atlantic Railroad Construction Note ▲  Western and Atlantic Railroad Construction 10 Dollar Banknote

For international coin collectors there were some amazing ancient and world coin exhibits. There was a collection of coins relating to the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus (193-211 A.D.) and the Roman war against the tribes of Caledonia, a collection of Swiss Cantonal coins from 1795-1845, the Flavian Dynasty of Ancient Rome collection (64-96 A.D.), 350 years of Britannia on British coins collection (1673 to the present), and a coin collection linked to the life and times of Jesus. The "Life of Jesus" biblical coin collection included various interesting coins and money referenced by Jesus in his parables and teachings such as Judas Iscariot, the Widow's Mite, the Shekel of Tyre, and other coins related to the time period. In the field of international tokens and medals, the top exhibits included a collection of Puerto Rican Medals and Military Decorations from 1855-1909, an exhibit of Armenian Mekhitarist (Roman Catholic monastic order) medals, and a "World in Flight" collection which depicted a selection of tokens and medals depicting the early days of aviation history from 1903-1947.

▲  The Biblical Coin Referenced by Jesus Parables "The Widow's Mite"  ▲  Armenian Mekhitarist Medal

Overall this year's Winter FUN Show was a huge success and It appears that the numismatic industry is off to a record-breaking start in 2022. I want to wish everyone a Happy Year of the Tiger, and once travel restrictions permit it, I look forward to seeing my good friends, Michael Chou, Jeffrey Wai, and others at (Champion 11/27/2022 Macau Auction). Until next time, stay healthy and safe and I wish you all the best in your numismatic pursuits. As always, if you ever are in the Sarasota, Florida area be sure to stop by and say hello!